Ghost in the Shell Wiki
Ghost in the Shell Wiki


Early in the morning Batou's Tachikoma self-activates and leaves the Tachikoma storage bay to explore the outer world. While roaming the streets of the city the Tachikoma encounters a young girl searching for her lost dog. The Tachikoma decides to help the girl, and together they manage to find the dog. While on their journey, the Tachikoma stumbles upon a cyberbrain being sold in a market that contains a ghost and brings it back to the storage bay. When the Tachikoma returns to Section 9 (well after nightfall) technicians begin extensive tests to determine why the tank went AWOL in the first place, while Section 9 members turn their attention to the cyberbrain in an effort to determine what the brain contains. When one of the lab technicians investigating the brain links with it and becomes "lost," Kusanagi volunteers to go after the missing man, leading her on a soul-searching ghost dive.

Noteworthy Dialogue[]

Kanazuki: What do you think?
Major: I have to admit, for a movie it wasn't bad- but diversionary entertainment is transitory, it just comes and goes at the viewers whim. It's the way it should be, but a film with no beginning or end that hooks an audience and won't let go of them is harmful no matter how wonderful you may have believed it was.
Kanazuki: Ohh, you're a tough critic. Are you saying that we members of the audience have a reality to which we should return?
Major: Yes I am.
Kanazuki: For some who sit and watch the film, misery will be waiting for them the instant they go back to reality. You're willing to accept responsibility for depriving these people of their dreams?
Major: No, I'm not. But dreams are meaningful when you work toward them in the real world. If you merely live within the dreams of other people it's no different from being dead.
Kanazuki: You're a realist.
Major: If a romantic escapes from reality, then yes.
Kanazuki: A strong girl you are. If the reality you believe in ever comes about, you give me a call. When it happens, that's the time we'll leave this theatre.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Episodes

1: Public Security Section 9 | 2: Runaway Evidence | 3: A Modest Rebellion |
4: The Visual Device will Laugh | 5: The Inviting Bird will Chant | 6: The Copycat will Dance |
7: Idolatry | 8: The Fortunate Ones | 9: The Man Who Dwells in the Shadows of the Net |
10: A Perfect Day for a Jungle Cruise | 11: In the Forest of Pupae |
12: Tachikoma Runs Away; The Movie Director's Dream |
13: Unequal Terrorist | 14: Automated Capitalism | 15: Time of the Machines |
16: Chinks in the Armor of the Heart | 17: The True Reason For The Unfinished Love Affair |
18: Assassination Duet | 19: Embraced by a Disguised Net | 20: Vanished Medication |
21: Left-Behind Trace | 22: Corporate Graft | 23: The Other Side of Good and Evil |
24: Sunset in the Lonely City | 25: Smoke of Gunpowder, Hail of Bullets |
26: Public Security Section 9, Once Again
